Application of LH Welding Alloys in the Cement Industry

Protective Maintenance

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28 May 2021

Application of LH Welding Alloys in the Cement Industry

Table of Contents

  • The modes of repair by welding can be divided into three types
    • Protective Maintenance
    • Maintenance & Repair of worn-out components
    • Breakdown Repairs or Maintenance

Welding is an important component in the core sector industry driving the infrastructure world – Cement. One of the basic fulcrums which drives this process industry is the maintenance and repair of cement industry components. Cement is basically manufactured from the raw material ore of Limestone hence the process starts at the mines and ends up as a final product in the Cement Plant. So underlying theme in the manufacturing of cement is Wear –primarily abrasive wear caused by hard limestone combined with impact, heat & erosion in the process.

LH Welding Alloys in the Cement Industry

Why do we use LH welding Alloys in cement plants? This is an important question to answer as most of the material we are going to weld or repair undergo thermal fatigue and continuous wear & tear. Hence welding with the lowest possible amperage with minimal effect on the stressed and overworked component is very important also electrodes to suit welding of dissimilar metals. hence this forms the basis for the repair of all cement industry components.

The modes of repair by welding can be divided into three types.
1. Protective Maintenance of Wearing Components
2. Maintenance & Repair of worn-out components
3. Breakdown Repairs with highly reliable Components

Now let’s see the three types of repair in detail to understand more about welding cement industry components-

• Protective maintenance:

We understood that the manufacturing of cement involves handling hard limestone meaning very high abrasive condition with impact, heat, and erosion. Hence in many cases, the base material of the component needs protection. This can be as simple as wear protective welding in new components like earth moving buckets or rotary airlock valves designed to give long life before they get worn out with tailor-made solutions like Endurafon & Hardox ready-to-use wear plates.

LH Welding Alloys

• Maintenance & repair of worn-out components:

True to its name, this process involves the repair of worn-out components with low heat input LH welding alloys to ensure prolonged life or improved life of the worn-out components prone to abrasion and moderate impact. Some of the typical applications can be impactor arm in mines, Sinter cast roll buttoning in VRM roller and RPR pattern welding build-up with a product designed to perfection like LH Tuff-Tech 58 & LH Weartherm 65.

• Breakdown Repair or Maintenance:

The cement industry is a process industry, hence certain components fail due to heavy loads, heat, material fatigue. It’s very difficult to have inventory for these components. Hence these components need in –situ repairs of parts with maximum reliability and performance. Some critical examples are kiln tyre or kiln girth gear. We carry out these repairs with our Star products LH Gold 555 & LH 521 ideal for welding dissimilar metals or known and unknown combination of steels.

Welding Alloys in Cement Industry

It is a matter of pride for Ador Fontech, that our name remains the first one recalled by all our Cement Industry customers when they’re faced with maintenance & repair welding requirements. We offer tailor-made solutions using specially manufactured Low Heat Input (LH) welding alloys, wires, and ready-to-use wear plates for all the above welding solutions.

Ador Fontech brings 4 decades of experience in managing all types of applications e.g. joining wear-prone areas & cutting solutions required by valued customers from the cement manufacturing industry. One of the key advantages with ADFL is that apart from supplying the product, we can also carry out repairs at our centralized workshop at Life Enhancement Services, Nagpur. This dedicated site takes up the repair of all cement industry components. We also have a dedicated supply and repair team which offers all maintenance and welding repair solutions at the customer’s site.

This is what makes Ador Fontech’s name synonymous with total solutions for any maintenance & repair problem to the complete satisfaction of customers.

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