TIG/MMA Pulse Welding Power Source
TORNADO 200 HF is a TIG/MMA welding power source with IGBT inverter technology. It is widely used in welding of various metals, except Al, Mg and their alloys for TIG welding. It is also suitable for all kinds of acid and basic electrodes for MMA welding.
- Multi-functions: MMA welding, DC TIG welding and pulse TIG welding
- Adjustable arc force, welding current, slope down time and pulse peak currents for pulse TIG
- Digital display and precise preset of welding current
- Non-contact high frequency arc-striking for TIG welding
- Protective functions for over-heat, over-current and under-voltage

- Pulse frequency adjuster (DC TIG)
- Slope down time adjuster (DC TIG & Pulse TIG)
- Noiseless operation
- Excellent energy saving