Rotary Air Lock – Refurbishment for Life Enhancement

Refurbishment for Life Enhancement in Cement Industry| Ador Fontech Ltd. Image Popup


4 Aug 2021

Rotary Air Lock – Refurbishment for Life Enhancement

The rotary airlock is an important component for pneumatic conveying, bulk solid handling & batching systems. Rotary airlock or RAL is also known as rotary valve, rotary feeder, or airlock feeder. The main function of RAL is to control the flow of bulk solids from the silo, mixer, cyclone, or hopper even in mills so the material is transported under gravity, pressure, and vacuum conditions.

In a cement plant, it is primarily used as a mechanism for feeding limestone, clinker, and cement to the mills. The main function of this valve mechanism is delivering the various ores (limestone, clinker, or cement) into the mill without the mixing of false/ambient air. The unintended mixing of ambient air has an adverse impact on cement machinery by reducing the performance & life, hence it’s widely used in all areas where control of feeding is required.

RAL consists of a rotor bucket mounted on a casing. This rotary system gets worn out due to high grinding abrasion, moderate impact & erosion caused by the continuous flow of abrasive material like limestone (Clinker or cement) through the valve.

Rotary Air Lock Refurbishment for Life Enhancement

RAL is a key component in the cement industry that requires complete refurbishment of all components. The main parts damaged are the RAL casing including side covers, liners, rotor & rotor blades. So all the parts are completely replaced with our Life Enhancement solution including the shaft which gives the rotary action to the equipment.

Ador Fontech’s solution to this problem is a complete dismantling of RAL components and repair & fabrication of all parts. The complete welding is done with our special Alloy LH-1105 having the best hydroscopic property and very high tensile strength ideal for joining applications. All the buckets are given wear protection with Hardox wear plates. Complete Machining & alignment is done in a VTL ensuring all vital parameters are maintained for enhanced performance & Life Enhancement of refurbished RAL.

Rotary Air Lock Refurbishment for Life Enhancement

Ador Fontech brings you a state-of-the-art LE services facility in Nagpur, which specializes in this kind of precision job having executed more than 100+ RAL refurbishments for the Cement Industry in India. The unique capability of Ador Fontech is the experience in manufacturing and refurbishment of RALs from 650 Diameter to 2200 diameter.

Rotary Air Lock Refurbishment for Life Enhancement

The complete refurbishment of rotary airlock signifies our policy of Life Enhancement of industrial components in the Ador Fontech way using specially formulated wear solutions to ensure Life Enhancement with maximum safety margin at a marginal cost of replacement with new RAL ensuring the best value proposition to the customer while re-enforcing our ideals of Reclaim –Do not Replace…